Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The heart is a muscle, but doesn't always grow

People always say that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger. That tough times build character. That we're never given more than we can handle. I don't believe this to be true for every case.

Life is tough sometimes. We get tested over and over again and are faced with difficult decisions, thrown into the line of fire and have to deal with one of the hardest things ever, heartbreak.

It seems cliche to talk about love and heartbreak when talking about being stronger, but it's a real thing. Something that I just don't think always makes a person stronger or something that everyone knows how to handle.

Being hurt by someone you love is immense. Heartbreak can scar us. Make us feel inadequate. It can put thoughts in our head of, "what's wrong with me?" or "why didn't I leave sooner?" And the truth is, not everyone comes out on top when wronged. We love someone, trust that person to take care of our hearts but in some cases we make the wrong decision with the wrong person.

People have done some crazy - and stupid - things in the name of love. There have been fights, property damages, injuries and sometimes even deaths, all because someone was hurt by the person they most trusted. How in these cases did the one being hurt become stronger after what they had been through? Granted those are extreme cases, but it still happens.

Then you have the simplest repercussions. Maybe the person develops trust issues (not a trait of a strong person), or they never get over the one who hurt them and is never really happy again (what kind of character is this?). No matter what, the person suffers. Maybe he throws himself at other women just to try to get over her instead of being upfront and honest about his feelings, only adding to her heartache. Maybe she cries herself to sleep every night, not because she misses him but because of the pain he caused her. No matter the situation, it seems the person that was wronged always seems to finish last.

And this, in no way, makes everyone stronger.

So the next time you meet someone and they seem unhappy, or something just doesn't seem right. Think about what you may not know about them. The next person you go on a date with may seem to have a wall up, but think again about what you don't know. Maybe they're trying to find that strength that is said will come, they're trying to find the character they should be or just trying to convince themselves that life is going to be okay and they can handle anything. No matter the case, just remember, we all get our hearts broken. And we have to deal with it in our own way. Whether or not we become a stronger person.