Sunday, February 14, 2010

Dr. Suess is quite brilliant actually...

I used to be unaware of who I really was. It seemed as though I was constantly searching for a lifestyle and for something to enjoy and be involved in. I was endlessly jumping from one extreme to another. The changes seemed to always be triggered depending on who I was around. If I hung out with or talked to someone who was engaged, dressed in J. Crew and lived a simple life going to church every Sunday and Wednesday, I felt that if I tried to live their life, I might be happy like them. Or if I went out with some wild and crazy friends I felt that maybe that was the life for me, never really settling down and always going out for late nights on the weekends, and sometimes weekdays.

But then I figured it out.

Over time I have been able to truly figure out what I enjoy and where I stand on many issues. I have reached a perfect medium with myself and my surroundings. I love tattoos and piercings, going out with friends every now and then and having one too many drinks once in a blue moon. But I also am proud to say I have never fallen into drugs, enjoy attending a rockin’ good church from time to time and love to just hang out at home sometimes.

I am strong in my convictions and because of this I enjoy a good debate from time to time and can vote without any doubts. I have learned that it does not matter as much how you dress and what you enjoy, as long as you are true to yourself you will find the friends that are right for you. There is no sense in trying so hard to fit in somewhere. We will all fit in somewhere perfectly if we just stop trying so hard.

"Those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind."

I am pleased with who I am now and where I am in my life. I would not have it any other way. Life is good. No, it’s fabulous!

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